Husbandry manuals
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Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Home Division Farmers Manual. Farmers Manual. Farmers Manual final (3.34 MB). Husbandry Manual Guidelines. Vertebrates. Invertebrates. Nutrition. Animal Records & Data Transfer Forms. Vertebrates. Department of Conservation (NZ) Captive Management Husbandry Manuals. The AZK international Husbandry Manual Registry aims to make freely available a list of all available Husbandry EAZA Best Practice Guidelines are produced by the various Taxon Advisory Groups (TAGs) to merge expert husbandry knowledge and make it widely available AZA Animal Care Manuals (ACMs) provide a compilation of animal care and management knowledge that has been gained from recognized species experts, Husbandry Manual for the. Cheetah. Acinonyx jubatus. 2009. Edited and Compiled by: Karen Ziegler–Meeks. White Oak Conservation CenterPlease note that the guidelines and manuals listed are to provide guidance If you have any husbandry guidelines or any concerns with those provided, Husbandry Manuals provide a wealth of best-practice information based on the collective experience of AZA facilities. The following taxon-specific documents
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